Monday 6 September 2010

13 Days - yikes!

This morning I realised - I should really get back to real life. The last festival I went to was called "Onboard the Craft" and it's an appropriate name - it does feel a bit like I've returned to Earth from somewhere wonderful! I've been horribly lazy recently - far too much partying and not nearly enough getting ready to go to Uni! It has been very nice - made lots of new friends and been able to have proper conversations about which Robert Calvert albums we like best...

I'll stop there. This is not my "prattle about bands I like" blog!

Over the weekend, some envelopes arrived. This scared me a little. Then I realised there were envelopes within envelopes and I wanted to cry a bit. Then my sister told me we were going out for Indian food, and I left it behind in favour of a naan bread the size of a small table. Again, this may not have been the most sensible option! I still havn't sorted out the contents of these envelopes yet - I'll report back when I have!

In the last post, I had a to-do list. I'm fairly happy with how much of it I got done...
-Read the Welcome pack! Well, most of it. Trying to fill in the medical form was a bit of a nightmare - nobody is sure how old my Father was when he died, or the name of the thing that he died of... we're a terrible family really!
-Go through the "What to bring" and "What not to bring" lists. Yes. More about this later...
-Plan my packing. Mostly done. Still need to talk through with my sister and see how much will fit in her car!
-Get my teeth sorted out! I've got an appointment for tomorrow...
-Bank accounts. I decided to go for NatWest in the end. There's a branch on-campus (handy!) and they let me have a tiny overdraft (I want to avoid using it at all if I can help it... Obviously that's going to go out of the window at some point!)

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